
Showing posts from February, 2024

Office Hours

 Hello delegates, If you did not already take a look at our first newsletter which you should have received by email, we are bringing back BMUN Office Hours as a way for you to meet us before conference weekend. Office hours are completely optional, but they are an important time to receive direct feedback on your position papers, ask questions about the topics or procedures, discuss your proposed solutions, or let us know how to help you prepare for BMUN. Please sign up for our office hours sheets/dcuox , which will occur on Sunday March 3 between 5 and 7 and Tuesday March 5, between 3:45 and 4:45! Have one member of your delegation sign up for the spot. Each 15 minute slot will have two open spaces. Feel free to email if you have any issues with Huxley, questions, or concerns. Best, Chloe Zitsow Head Chair for DISEC BMUN72

Public Speaking Tips

Good evening lovely delegates, One of the aspects of MUN that I love the most is its ability to give students like yourself that opportunity to practice public speaking skills. Below are some of my favorite tips for public speaking, however they do not and should not serve as limitations for your own personal style of speaking. Whether it is your first committee or your last, I can not wait to hear all your lovely voices in conference! Best, Chloe Zitsow Head Chair of DISEC, BMUN72 Preparation: While notes can be useful, do not pre-write or try to memorize your entire speech. Doing so raises the likelyhood that if you stumble it will be harder to recover. Instead, write out bullet points of the main points you want to hit in your speech and practice. While your speech may be a little different each time, with this strategy you will succeed in improving your adaptability as a public speaker. Physicality of Public Speaking: Take a strong stance with your feet and hold your hands either i

Procedure and Committee Flow

Hi Delegates! I wanted to check in with you to provide some more insight to how our committee is going to work at BMUN 72. DISEC will be using standard BMUN procedure.  Our committee will begin by opening a running Speaker’s List (standard speaking time is 1 minute, 30 seconds) and those speeches will be followed by 2 30-second comments by other delegates. This is the default timing for the Speaker’s List and can be amended if agreed upon by the committee. The Speaker’s List can also be interrupted by Moderated Caucuses and Informal Caucuses that give delegates the opportunity to exchange opinions on policy, solutions, and more specific aspects of the topics at hand. In our committee, our dais plans on leaving the flow of committee up to you delegates, so we suggest you come prepared with specific subtopics and policies you hope to discuss! During Informal Caucus time, delegates are expected to draft and write Resolutions which will then be presented to the committee during a Formal Ca

Helpful Article for Topic A!!

     Hey delegates! I was reading a little bit more about the Vigilante Crisis in Haiti and stumbled upon this article I think you would find interesting . Feel free to give it a quick read, or I’ll also summarize its main points below: Marie Yolène Gilles, a civil society activist, emphasized the critical state of human rights in Haiti and the pressing need for international assistance to shield its people from impunity and violence. Speaking on behalf of CARICOM, Andrew Holness emphasized the significance of ongoing international assistance for Haiti and diplomatic initiatives to find a political resolution to the situation. The chair of the Security Council committee on Haiti, Michel Xavier Biang, observed that most Haitians were in favor of the deployment of an international army to reestablish security. Member states demanded coordinated international action during the discussion, urging the deployment of multinational forces, addressin

Introduction: Anamaria Abnusy

  Hello everyone!!! My name is Anamaria Abnusy and I am so excited to be one of the vice chairs of BMUN 72’s Disarmament and International Security Committee! I am a first year here at Berkeley double majoring in Legal Studies and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures! I am interested in pursuing law as a career! I joined BMUN because I have a big passion for international relations and wanted to continue my involvement in it in college. Outside of BMUN, I am in ASUC (student government here at Berkeley) and in MEBA (Middle Eastern Business Association). I am also involved in cultural fun clubs since I am Iranian Armenian! In my free time, I love going to cafes and watching shows with friends! See you all soon, Anamaria Abnusy

Introduction: Madi Lloyd

 Hi everyone!  My name is Madi Lloyd, and I'll be one of your DISEC vice chairs this spring. I'm a freshman majoring in chemistry and physics. I've been involved in MUN since my freshman year of high school, and I'm beyond excited to chair at BMUN this year.  Outside of BMUN, I'm involved in ChemE car and Debate Society of Berkeley. In my free time, I enjoy playing chess, listening to podcasts (please give me recs!), and reading.  I'm so excited to meet all of you in March! Madi

Introduction: Michael Miller

Hi everyone! My name's Michael Miller and I'll be one of your vice chairs for DISEC this spring. I'm a senior majoring in applied mathematics at UC Berkeley with intentions of pursuing a career in machine learning and data science. This will be my 7th year doing Model UN, and my third with BMUN. I'm also the current Undersecretary General of Logistics for BMUN so you might see me running around putting out fires each day of conference. Outside of academics I enjoy practicing my photography, cooking new dishes from a variety of cultures, and generally learning about the world. Besides that I really like reading mystery novels and listening to true crime podcasts whenever I have free time. I also love working out, playing games, watching movies, and spending time with my friends. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you in March!

Position Paper Tips

  Hi delegates! Just wanted to check in and offer a bit more guidance on your position papers. As a reminder, DISEC will be using standard Position Paper format detailed in the delegate resources page on the BMUN website. Besides the general format, we wanted to offer some tips on the research process and the formation of your paper.  Research The biggest favor you can do for yourself in the writing process is to really apply time and effort into understanding the topics beforehand. Luckily, your generous dais has written the key to beginning this process: your synopsis! Not only do we recommend reading this synopsis, but we hope that you will interact with it. Ask questions, make connections, reflect on what you learned. Familiarizing yourself with the synopsis is the key to a smooth research experience.  After reading the synopsis, don’t stop there! This piece is just a stepping stone for the research we hope you will complete. Maybe read some additional case studies, look at some c

Welcome to Our Committee (and our expectations)!

  Hi delegates! We are so excited to welcome you to BMUN 72 and the DISEC committee. In this committee, you will be working to develop multi-faceted  and thoughtful solutions to address both the driving forces and the damage of long-term conflicts. Our first topic addresses Vigilante Violence in Global Conflicts. Our second topic addresses Climate Conflict in Africa. This blog will act as our committee’s more informal avenue for discussion and communication before the conference– and we’d love to see you interact with it! The purpose of this blog is to (1) allow you to actively engage with the content of this committee and (2) give you all the opportunity to learn about other countries’ policies before the debate actually starts. You can post comments on posts that we make and write about literally anything relevant to the topics at hand! For example, if you’ve found follow-up content or research you’d like to share, would like to discuss your country’s opinion on the topic, or have ot

Introduction: Chloe Zitsow

Hello all! My name is Chloe Zitsow and I over the moon to be your head chair of BMUN 72’s Disarmament and International Security Committee! I am currently a sophomore majoring in History and minoring in Jewish studies. I have been involved in MUN since 7th grade and BMUN since my freshman year. With that experience I cannot emphasize enough how amazing MUN is as an activity! I love how it both encourages the development of public speaking and research skills and also facilitates interest in the fascinating world of international relations. Outside of BMUN I am involved in Greek life and Berkeley Hillel. In my free time I am an avid reader of Stephen King and adore baking and small dogs. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us at anytime at . We look forward to seeing you soon! With excitement, Chloe Zitsow Our dias getting very excited about Crumbl cookies