Helpful Article for Topic A!!

    Hey delegates! I was reading a little bit more about the Vigilante Crisis in Haiti and stumbled upon this article I think you would find interesting . Feel free to give it a quick read, or I’ll also summarize its main points below:

  • Marie Yolène Gilles, a civil society activist, emphasized the critical state of human rights in Haiti and the pressing need for international assistance to shield its people from impunity and violence.
  • Speaking on behalf of CARICOM, Andrew Holness emphasized the significance of ongoing international assistance for Haiti and diplomatic initiatives to find a political resolution to the situation.
  • The chair of the Security Council committee on Haiti, Michel Xavier Biang, observed that most Haitians were in favor of the deployment of an international army to reestablish security.
  • Member states demanded coordinated international action during the discussion, urging the deployment of multinational forces, addressing the underlying causes of violence, and bolstering BINUH's mandate.
  • Divergent views prevailed on the deployment of an international security force. While some called for further deliberation, others—including the minister of foreign affairs of Haiti—urged prompt authorization in response to pleas from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon and Haitian authorities.
  • In order to restore security, defend human rights, and promote stability and development initiatives, it is imperative that international cooperation be used to address Haiti's situation. This was made clear by the outcome of the meeting.
  •  To supplement the Haitian National Police's efforts in battling gang violence, María Isabel Salvador, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti, suggested the deployment of an international security force.

Hope you find this as interesting as we did!! 


Anamaria Abnusy and Madeleine Lloyd



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