Office Hours

 Hello delegates,

If you did not already take a look at our first newsletter which you should have received by email, we are bringing back BMUN Office Hours as a way for you to meet us before conference weekend. Office hours are completely optional, but they are an important time to receive direct feedback on your position papers, ask questions about the topics or procedures, discuss your proposed solutions, or let us know how to help you prepare for BMUN.

Please sign up for our office hours, which will occur on Sunday March 3 between 5 and 7 and Tuesday March 5, between 3:45 and 4:45! Have one member of your delegation sign up for the spot. Each 15 minute slot will have two open spaces. Feel free to email if you have any issues with Huxley, questions, or concerns.


Chloe Zitsow

Head Chair for DISEC BMUN72


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